Pop Lit Pride

In honor of Pride Month and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, we are highlighting some of the books written by or about LGBTQIA+ people featured in the FSU Libraries’ Popular Literature collection. Some of these are newly added to the collection and many were purchased with funds from an FSU President’s Diversity and Inclusion mini-grant. Books are continually being added to the collection.

New Pop Lit Books

FSU Libraries’ Popular Literature committee was fortunate to have earned funding to expand their Pop Lit collection through an FSU President’s Diversity and Inclusion mini-grant. This grant allows the committee to strengthen the collection with both fiction and nonfiction books from and about underrepresented groups. Books that are diverse and inclusive have been shown to help improve empathy for their readers.

The first order from the Diversity and Inclusion mini-grant have started to arrive!!! Stop by the main floor of Strozier to check out the new selections.